Latest ‘X-FILES ANNUAL 2015’ variant cover is the most 90s thing ever

There has been a surge in recent years. Comic books are being adapted into movies and television shows with alacrity. But the reverse is also true! When a beloved show or movie has its final curtain call, it is rarely the end. These days everything from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” to “Ghostbusters” to “Star Trek” continues on in perpetuity via graphic novels.

Including “The X-Files.”

Yes, the iconic sci-fi thriller is set to return to tv for a limited run. But the series never stopped if you”ve been reading the comic book. Now, to commemorate THE X-FILES ANNUAL 2015-SPOTLIGHT, this glorious variant cover has been released.

Image Credit: IDW Publishing

From the IDW, the issue description:

Each year on the anniversary of his sister's abduction, Mulder investigates the mysterious disappearance of a child in an effort to bring others peace. This year's search takes him to the high school reunion of a teen who disappeared in an abandoned house with friends who would go on to start their very own ghost-hunting show.

The variant image was taken from the 1999 episode “Arcadia” in which Mulder and Scully pretend to be a married couple in order to infiltrate an idyllic community where people have gone missing. Like most variants, it appears to have little to do with the contents inside or the upcoming revival.

But I want to believe.