So some astronauts watched ‘Gravity’ on the International Space Station

It's kinda freaky if I'm flying at 30,000 feet and something like “Air Force One” or “Flight” comes on as the in-flight movie. (Particularly in the case of the latter, as talking to screenwriter John Gatins about his research on that one has forever unhinged something in me.) I guess if movies were shown on buses, “Speed” would make a dicey proposition, too. So hats off to the astronauts who took in “Gravity” for movie night aboard the International Space Station recently.


Captain Scott J. Kelly Tweeted out the above image over the weekend. But now I'm just sort of curious as to what else they watch up there. We're entering outdoor movie season, when things like “Ghostbusters” and “Ferris Bueller's Day Off” run constantly on pop-up screens and facades all across the country. What would an International Space Station Film Festival program look like? Ill take a stab:

“2001: A Space Odyssey” (obviously)
“2010” (super underrated)
“Alien” (I mean…)
“Apollo 13” (“ARE WE ON VOX?”)
“Mission to Mars” (because De Palma)
“Moon” (might be better on, you know, the moon)
“The Right Stuff” (because Shepard)
“Silent Running” (Dernsy!)
“Solaris” (either one)
“Sunshine” (a personal favorite)

And, seriously, I'd just go ahead and throw in:

“Jason X” ( :/ )
