Americans Prefer Netflix to Food, Cars or Sex, Report Says

We knew Frank Underwood's accent gave America the swoons, but we had no idea our love for  Netflix had gone quite this far.

A new study by the firm TDG Research reports that the average Netflix subscriber spends a full 90 minutes a day on the streaming service. The folks at the Exstreamist blog have taken that figure and compared it to the amount of time Americans spend on other activities, and when you break the numbers down, nothing, it seems, competes with Netflix.

We may be becoming a nation of foodies, for instance, but we only devote 70 minutes a day to eating.  Netflix bests reading by two to one, with the written word claiming a mere 49 minutes of our day (Note: Americans still spend nearly an hour reading every day?  Can that be right?)

We've all heard of America's love affair with the car, but it can't compete apparently with our love affair with “Hemlock Grove” at 33 minutes spent commuting versus Netflix's 90. (Note: No wonder people have an hour to read if somehow they get to and from work in 30 minutes).

Taking care of our children – we'll give that 25 minutes a day. (Note: I want those kids to come have a talk with mine).  And sex, that box we can check in 2 minutes.  Actually “almost two minutes” is what the data says.

Of all human activities, only working and sleeping beat out Netflix, and apparently they are working on an app so you can outsource those.

In our media nation it seems, Orange is the New Black is the new intimacy.