‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ devours ‘Jurassic World’’s box-office record

Fans, pundits, and Disney/Lucasfilm have been anticipating “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” storming into theatres and blasting through all previous box-office records for more than a year. 

Yet, some have wondered if a sluggish year at the box-office and other contributing factors may impact the film”s success. Nothing did.

Box Office Mojo reports that “The Force Awakens” earned an estimated $238 million in its first three days domestically, and with an additional $279 million internationally, it raked in $517 million worldwide its opening weekend.

That unseats “Jurassic World,” which set the record for highest domestic opening earlier this year with $208 million. And with $ 120 million its opening day alone, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” replaced “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” for the largest Friday, opening day of all time.

With fans already indulging in multiple theatre viewings of the film, and likely more to come, we can only imagine what the completed theatrical run of this film will ultimately yield.