Carrie Fisher spilled the secrets of ‘The Force Awakens’ to…

Also, Carrie Fisher reveals why Princess Leia is British when she”s angry…

In case you missed it, Carrie and Gary (the dog with the magical hanging tongue) Fisher made an appearance on the Graham Norton show recently, along with Gary”s bacon.

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” co-stars Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were also in attendance, along with Kylie Minogue and David Beckham. 

Fisher is, of course, an absolute delight throughout and beyond hilarious.

As our own Louis Virtel points out, she offers sage advice to Ridley about not “going through the crew like wildfire” and, of course, never taking advice from her. We wanted to pull out a few additional highlights, here.

In addition to delving into on-set dating etiquette, all three “Star Wars” stars spoke about some of the secrecy surrounding “The Force Awakens.”

“They gave me a script for three-hours and waited by my gate,” Fisher recalled. “So I just looked for my bits with no idea what context it was in – and I still don”t know.” 

J.J. Abrams and the team at Lucasfilm can actually thank Norton himself for keeping the secrets of “The Force Awakens” sacred, though, because Fisher apparently told him “EVERYTHING” over a year ago. Like, everything…All the really juicy bits as well.

“She”s so rubbish that she told me and I had to keep it a secret! Norton reveals. Well done, Norton, for adhering to the #NoSpoilers campaign before it even began.

Boyega, as fans know, adopts an American accent for the film. Here, Carrie Fisher reveals why Princess Leia – accidentally – did a bit of the reverse trajectory and became British when angered in “Star Wars.”

Apparently, the only time George Lucas gave her direction on the original “Star Wars” film was on the first day when they were shooting the “I thought I recognized your foul stench” scene.

Lucas took Fisher aside to say, as she tells it, “Now look, you are really upset. You are about to get your planet blown up…and the like.”

And an accent was born. 

“When I get upset, I become British,” Fisher declared. “Because you”re better at conflict than we are!”

As to becoming an international icon, Fisher said she never saw it coming. And it”s led to some…er, illuminating conversations with gentlemen.

“I didn”t know until later that I was a sex symbol – whatever that means,” Fisher recalled. “So I went into a store one day and this boy said, ‘Oh are you Princess Leia?” ‘Yes.” And he said, ‘I thought about you every day from when I was 12 to when I was 22.” And I said, ‘Every day!?!” And he said, ‘Well…four times a day.”

“So you have that to look forward to!” Fisher enthused to Ridley.

Beckham admitted to being a big Leia fan as a kid. So.

Fisher also describes her look in the “The Force Awakens” as “a fashionable gas station attendant” with a hairstyle in the vein of a “baboon”s a**.”

Meanwhile, after John Boyega told a lovely story about bonding with Harrison Ford over dinner in London, Fisher rejoined with, “Yeah, and then a door fell on him the next day. So you pay a price!”

Ford also scolded Ridley for sitting in his seat on The Millennium Falcon. #NoSpoiler

The entire interview is full of gems, including Boyega almost taking out Minogue while demonstrating the proper use of a lightsaber and a Beckham/Boyega sword battle.

Take a look above! And let us all pray that these Carrie Fisher interviews will continue for the rest of our days.