Why Women Love 50 Shades of Grey

Recently, Marcia Gay Harden tweeted out a hilariously amateurish Photoshoped image of herself in full BDSM regalia to her 50 Shades of Grey co-star Jamie Dornan.

The combination of that image and the fact that 50 Shades of Grey was last year”s big Valentine”s Day release got us thinking about why so many have responded to this franchise and the one that inspired it, Twilight.

In the video above Miri Jedeikin and Roth Cornet talk about what Twilight, 50 Shades, and Mad Men all have in common.

Take a look and at our full show below where we talk about all of the reasons that Deadpool is the perfect date movie and unpack the Kanye West phenomena.

Roth: @RothCornet

Miri: @MiriTheJedi