Stuntwoman Zoe Bell dishes on taking on a leading role

Quentin Tarantino protégé, stuntwoman turned actress, and all around wonder woman Zoe Bell sits down with Roth Cornet, Miri Jedeikin, and Alicia Malone to talk about taking on the leading role in the upcoming action/drama Camino.

Camino tells the story of a war photographer (Bell) who witnesses an act of atrocity and must fight for her life while on assignment in Columbia.

Take a look at a clip from the film in the player below and our chat with Bell above.

You can also check out our full show in the embeded video here, where we touch on her transition from stunts to acting and her relationship with Tarantino.

Camino is out in theaters Friday, March 4th and on VOD and iTunes on Tuesday, March 8th.

Chat with us here or on Twitter:

Zoe: @TheRealZoeBell

Roth: @RothCornet

Miri: @MiriTheJedi

Alicia: @AliciaMalone