Who needs Prince Charming? Rose Red to save Snow White in new live-action film

Fairytale revisions are still all the rage in Hollywood. Yet another live-action take on Snow White's classic tale has just been picked up by Disney, according to THR.

The script – written by Justin Merz – was originally focused on Rose Red, another protagonist from Grimm's Fairytale with no relation to Snow White. Until writer Evan Daugherty got an idea.  I know, I know. You're rolling your eyes at the thought. But Daugherty has already tweaked the Snow White story before with Snow White and the Huntsman (which I really liked) and the upcoming The Huntsman: Winter's War (which I'm dying to see). He was also one of the writers on Divergent (another fave) and he's prepping the new Tomb Raider.

All of that tells me that he's committed to giving ladies some kickass stories and this new Rose Red adaptation sounds like that's exactly what we're looking at. 

This time around, when Snow White gets duped by the queen and does the deep sleep thing after she eats the apple, the prince isn't the one to save the day. Instead, Snow's sister Rose Red gathers up the dwarves and off they go to find a way to break the curse.

We're talking about a guy who turned the Snow White story into a film where Snow was a warrior on horseback and an evil queen was the most interesting character in the movie played by screen goddess Charlize Theron. 

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(via THR)