HBO announces ‘Game of Thrones’ recap series

With the return to Westeros just weeks away, Game of Thrones fans (myself included) can”t wait to see what”s going to happen to Jon Snow and Daenerys. And now we”ll have a home to catch a recap of the ongoings at the Seven Kingdoms.

HBO announced today they”re launching After the Thrones, what the network is calling “a lively, humorous and sophisticated look” at the hugely popular series. It will be hosted by Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan, who currently host The Watch podcast for The Ringer. The show will play on HBO NOW, HBO GO and HBO On Demand.

The deal for After the Thrones is part of HBO”s newly-formed relationship with The Ringer, Bill Simmons” company. Simmons, a former ESPN host and the mind behind Grantland, split from the sports giant when they announced in 2015 they wouldn”t renew his contract.

Recap shows have been a boon for networks, helping keep their audiences engaged while driving ratings. Talking Dead (a Walking Dead recap show) routinely delivers viewership in the 5 million range. So it”s not unexpected for a program with comparably-rabid viewers like Game of Thrones to get in on this opportunity.

Game of Thrones” new season kicks off on April 24 and After the Thrones will be available April 25.