YES, Hollywood, make the Deadpool/Spider-Man crossover happen

One of the first questions that fans ask after a successful comic book movie is: “What do we want to see next?”

When Deadpool took audiences by storm, we began thinking about where the character might go next. One of the first fantasies I had was a long-shot: a Spider-Man/Deadpool crossover.

Well, it looks like I'm not alone. While promoting the Blu-ray release of the film, Deadpool director Tim Miller told Superherohype that not only was he interested in a crossover, but he's talked to 20th Century Fox about it.

Here's what the director said:

With all of the deals that have recently started happening, we asked if they could get visitation rights to Sony’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I would love to see it. Both of us are close with [Marvel”s] Kevin [Feige], we respect and love Kevin. If it were even remotely possible, we will find a way “cause we”d would love to see it.

As much as we'd want it, a Spidey/Deadpool team-up would involve some very complex negotiations between 20th Century Fox who has the film rights to Deadpool, Sony, who has the film rights to Spider-Man and has already agreed to share him with Marvel Studios/Disney.

But hey, stranger things…

Here, Donna Dickens and Roth Cornet talk about their hopes for a Deadpool/Spider-Man crossover, and the actual chances of it happening.

Take a look in the video player above or below and chat with us here or on Twitter.

Roth: @RothCornet

Donna: @MidlyAmused 

Meanwhile, we'll just leave this here: