Is Beyonce’s Lemonade a Work of Art or a Marketing Ploy?

Beyonce released her new multi-media experimental film Lemonade to accompany the debut of her album of the same name to great acclaim last weekend. The HBO special immediately created a stir online as fans and critics alike worked to untangle her personal storytelling from her larger socio-political message.

In the video above, Roth Cornet, Alicia Malone and Miri Jedeikin talk about Beyonce's revolutionary new visual album, and some people's assertion that it is little more than a marketing ploy.

You can also watch our full show below where we feature a new reviewer Alina Lewis, celebrate Lifetime as a channel (yep), and unpack the Cannes Film Festival's lack of female directors.

Read Drew McWeeny's review here.

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Roth: @RothCornet

Alicia: @AliciaMalone

Miri: @MiriTheJedi

Alina: @MissAlina28