Daisy Ridley looks fierce AF in this ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’ photo

As I type, Star Wars Celebration is kicking off in London, England. And while I”m sure there will be juicy tidbits revealed over the next few days to keep Star Wars fans satiated for weeks, Daisy Ridley herself beat the convention to the punch with a single photo.

To celebrate wrapping production on Star Wars: Episode VIII, Ridley shared the following image on her social media pages. Not gonna lie. Seeing Rey wielding a lightsaber will never not make me a little emotional.

I didn”t want to ruin the effect by lightening the photo, but I did crank the brightness in Photoshop to see who”s lightsaber Rey is holding. Based on the position of the buttons and the blue hue, it seems Rey is still in possession of Anakin Skywalker”s blade.

I guess Luke didn't want it back after all. But whether Rey is still training or simply hasn”t made her own yet is unknown. But it does raise the question: what color do you think Rey”s lightsaber will be?