Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon should definitely pick up the ‘Animated Adventures of Firefly’

Joss Whedon's Firefly was gone long before its time but you can't take the sky away from its fans. One very talented artist has created a sneak peek at what an animated series of the beloved sci-fi series could look like. And it's oh, so shiny.

Stephen Byrne has been making outrageously good fan art for years now. Previously he did an illustration of the Firefly cast that Whedon responded to saying, “There”s art, then there”s Great Art.” He's also done a fun Saturday-morning-cartoon style Doctor Who animation and mashed-up the Whedon-worlds of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Avengers.

But he's back to the rag-tag crew this time. Check out the “teaser trailer” for the Animated Adventures of Firefly. It's under a minute long but it's so good!

Oddly enough, a Firefly animated adventure was seriously talked about at one point. Actor Sean Maher admitted he knew “somebody who is actually trying to get [an animated series] done, who has approached Joss [Whedon] about it.” He wouldn't say who it was exactly but they “used to work with Guillermo del Toro.”

Could Byrne's animation work lead to something? You never know. Actor Nathan Fillion, who was also previously open to the idea, seems to like it a lot.


While we're at it, let's work on this other one as well. Way back in 2001 Whedon and Jeph Loeb (now heading up Marvel's TV projects) had plans for a Buffy animated series. Sadly, that also never came to be either and while there was test animation out there, Byrne did his own a few years back that also made us long for a revamp, as it were, of the series. Here that is: