Batman wears sunglasses at night in his ‘Justice League’ costume – She Said/She Said

She Said/She Said is a (sporadically) daily video featuring HitFix Harpy Donna Dickens and HitFix Weekend Editor Jill Pantozzi discussing current events in geek news.


Over the years, Batman has worn some questionable fashion choices. From the ‘grandpa pants” cloth armor of his early film and television outings to the BatNipples of George Clooney, Bruce Wayne”s alter-ego has spared no expense on looking absolutely ridiculous. To be fair, he is a playboy philanthropist billionaire working through his issues by beating up criminals while dressed as a bat. There probably isn”t a way to do that without looking a little goofy.

But does Batman really need googles and tactical abs? According to Justice League director Zack Snyder, the answer is yes.


In the video above, HitFix Harpy”s Donna Dickens and Jill Pantozzi deconstruct Batman”s latest fashion choices from the upcoming Justice League film. Or as Donna lovingly calls it, the BaTact Suit.