‘Detroit 1-8-7’: The godfather settles all family business

I was never hooked on “Detroit 1-8-7,” but I liked certain aspects of the show – the location filming, Michael Imperioli’s performance, the Longworth/Mahajan partnership – enough to keep checking in now and again. The finale focused a little too heavily on an aspect of the show I didn’t love (Fitch vs. his evil super-nemesis ) and had to fudge some logic to get where it was going (surely, there are records of border crossings), but I did like the material about the different partnerships, and the return of Fitch’s love of calling people he could speak to directly. 

If ABC renews it, it won’t be based on the ratings, which have been pretty terrible, but there’s always a chance it might survive as something of a critical favorite, and in a year where none of ABC’s new dramas have renewal-worthy numbers.

For those of you who watched all along, what did you think of the finale?