Listen: Director of killer tire movie ‘Rubber’ visits the podcast… for no reason

Quentin Dupieux is an intriguing filmmaker, and I’m very interested in tracking down his first feature film, “Steak,” based on how strange and wonderful his new film “Rubber” is.  I saw the film at Fantastic Fest last year, and I adored it.  Why?  No reason.

Sorry… the “no reason” thing is a recurring joke in the film, and it feels appropriate that the film is finally hitting theaters and VOD on April 1st.  It’s a big broad wink of a movie, and if you’re up for a little post-modern fun in a movie about a telekinetic tire that makes people’s heads explode, I recommend that you seek it out.

And if you’re not?  Well, you can skip the interview I did with Dupieux this week, and there will still be some great new stuff in the podcast, our second this week.  Scott came over and we played a round of Movie God inspired by “Your Highness” and some of the films I feel are present in that movie’s DNA.  And then after that, we got into a discussion about this weekend’s line-up of movies, and how it’s one of the strongest weekends so far this year.

I’ve been enjoying this season of the podcast.  I think Scott and I have settled into a rhythm as we record these, and I’m realizing that the very nature of the podcast is transitory.  These are meant to feel off-the-cuff, conversational, and relaxed.  I don’t want to do some over-rehearsed radio show.  I just want to hang out with my best friend, chat about movies and whatever else is going on, and laugh.  And I like being able to invite you guys to do that with us, something that’s not always possible.

I wish I had a full breakdown of the show for you this morning, but I’m at the airport, waiting to fly up to San Francisco for a quick stop at WonderCon, and we’ll have that coverage for you starting later today.  You’ll have to navigate the hour by yourself, and I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience.

We’ll have some special focus podcasts coming soon, like the ones we did about John Carpenter and Blake Edwards, as well as more of the regular show.  As always, let me know what you like, what you don’t, and what you want more of.  For now, enjoy this one.