A Little Appreciation For The Ladies Of ‘Kick-Ass 2’ (Red Band Videos)

Universal released two new featurettes for Kick-Ass 2 featuring Hit-Girl and Mother Russia, and we also found a viral clip of Lindy Booth we meant to post earlier. The three videos have all the swearwords and muscled lady-abs we could hope to see. Here’s the first video (NSFW audio) of Lindy Booth as Night B!tch, persuading us to join Justice Forever.

This next red band clip shows Chloe Moretz as Hit-Girl squaring off with body-builder Olga Kurkulina as Mother Russia. If you didn’t already feel like you’ve seen all of Kick-Ass 2 in the clips we’ve posted so far, this should be the tipping point.

Hey, Kick-Ass 2 passes the Bechdel test!

This last featurette is about paid assassin Mother Russia, whom everyone wants us to know is seven feet tall or something. (She’s 6’2″ according to the Googles.)

Kick-Ass 2 opens August 16th.

And finally, apropos of nothing, here’s how Kick-Ass 2 is being promoted in Utah.

[Sources: ENI, CBM (1, 2), and Reddit. Screencap above courtesy of Universal.]