Jack Donaghy Multipanes Are The Best

I have a feeling we’re going to be paying a lot of attention to returning fall TV over the next couple of weeks, so before we claw our way out of the doldrums of August I think it’s only appropriate we revisit how awesome Jack Donaghy is since 30 Rock isn’t returning till midseason. Most everyone I know has cooled on 30 Rock over the years, but I don’t know anyone who has cooled on Alec Baldwin’s brilliant ability to deliver a one-liner. It’s indisputably the best part of the show. If you’ve ever thought differently you’ve been incorrect.
Now, as I’ve explained before, multipanes are all about line delivery, being familiar with the comedy and reliving it in a medium that doesn’t require tossing on headphones in your cubicle. Donaghy’s best lines couldn’t be more well suited. And I must admit I enjoyed them all more than even I expected (especially the extra-misogynistic ones). Note: There are a couple of non-multipanes, but the spirit is the same.
So soak it up before the serious Donaghy drought kicks in (Baldwin is hosting the SNL premiere, I should note). I’ll be doing my part by spending the rest of the day business drunk.
Source: #Jack Donaghy