Watch Two Jews, One Of Them Named Anthony Weiner, Yell At Each Other In A Deli. Happy Rosh Hashanah!

Earlier this afternoon the video above — which features Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, arguing with a Jewish voter in a deli in Borough Park, Brooklyn — went semi-viral. In its wake, many pundits pronounced Weiner’s mayoral campaign dead, as if it probably wasn’t already.

But wait…context changes EVERYTHING.

Just a few minutes ago the Weiner campaign posted its own longer video of the incident that provides some context, specifically what apparently set Weiner off: the aforementioned Jewish voter saying, “You’re a real scumbag…you’re married to an Arab.” The confrontation begins at around the 3:45 mark.

Happy Rosh Hashanah!

(Weiner campaign vid via Gawker)