Want: Gran Torino And Eric Roberts Lunchboxes

One of my lasting childhood memories is kicking off each school year with a kick @ss new lunchbox. He-Man and Battlecat would greet you at lunchtime and share their delicious contents (hopefully pudding!) and it was almost always the best part of the day. My mom made the mistake of buying the discount Gobots model instead of Transformers one year. Still not sure I’ve completely lived that down.

I thought my cartoon lunchbox days were over until I stumbled across these, “Genuine plastic Thermos-brand lunchboxes (Made in America!), some of the last ever manufactured, available in ‘Eric Roberts’ and ‘Gran Torino’ styles” based on the pop culture artwork of Brandon Bird, the dude responsible for “Evolution of the Leading Man” and the “Nic Cage Adventure Set” (complete with parrot and ice cream cone!). Bird’s online store is a virtual treasure trove of pop culture goodness melded with functional items and kid’s materials. I can’t encourage you to check it out enough.

If you have kids, getting them on board with the spectacular meta-ness that is the Gran Torino adventure team or dreamy Eric Roberts on a unicorn will almost certainly be a tall task, but I’m certain if you pull it off your street cred with other awesome dads will increase exponentially.

Full size graphics after the jump.

Brandon Bird via Laughing Squid