A Grumpy Old Man In Florida Is Spray Painting ‘NO KIDS’ On Cars

This fall: they’re grumpy. They’re old. They’re men, probably. And now they’re back and more fed up than ever in Grumpiest Old Men: Taking It 2 to the Streets (Of the Florida Gated Community).”

A Florida man who lives in a 55-and-over gated community called cops last week after his two cars were spray painted with the words “No Kids,” apparent neighborly retribution for his four-year-old granddaughter occasionally staying at his residence.

[Bhaskar] Barot explained to a deputy that he “baby sits his granddaughter sometimes and people think the granddaughter lives at the location.” This impression has resulted in complaints being lodged against him with the homeowners association, Barot added. (Via)

Either that, or the anonymous spray painter(s) REALLY hates Larry Clark.

(Via the Smoking Gun)