This Man Used Money A Movie Studio Budgeted For A Promo Video To Help Victims Of The Philippines Typhoon

You know the asshole that lives inside you, the little guy that tells you that everything is awful and/or to burn things? Forget about him while watching “what would you do with $25,000” below. It’s hard to do, but I know it can be done. That’s the only way to appreciate the efforts of UPROXX favorite Casey Neistat, who won $25,000 from Twentieth Century Fox to make a promotional video for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. But rather than document what a hero Ben Stiller is, Neistat used the money to travel to the Philippines to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Neistat and his crew traveled multiple days before arriving in the city of Cebu, their first stop and the place where they would purchase all their supplies. They bought everything from Spam to coffee, but the journey didn’t end there. Neistat and company took their two large coach buses – trucks weren’t available – and traveled by ferry to their ultimate destination, Tacloban.

As the buses drove through the night the destruction was evident. Thousands of people showed up to receive the supplies causing Neistat to say, “I don’t think we’ve bought enough food.”

The supplies they brought, however, were able to provide more than 10,000 meals, tools to 35 villages and basic medicine to local organizations. (Via)

It’s viral marketing, sure, but at least it’s viral marketing that doesn’t involve a prank.