The 5 funniest things about these nude photos of Justin Bieber

May August 12th, 2013 always be remembered as the day TMZ got its hands on some photos of Little Lord Justin Bieber buck-naked save only for a strategically-placed guitar. And rejoicing, followed by much laughter, was heard throughout the land! These photos are truly ridiculous — here are the 5 funniest things about them;

5. Justin’s making a goofy face and not a seductive face. Which is like receiving a cupcake emoticon right in the middle of a sexting session.

4. When left untouched by the hands of a stylist, it appears the singer has perfect Bart Simpson hair.

3. The placement of JB’s ultra-serious tattoo of Jesus Christ has the martyr staring right up at the kid’s buttocks.

2. The photos were taken on Canadian Thanksgiving, a holiday held on the second Monday of October that probably involves poutine.

1. The photos were taken on Canadian Thanksgiving, in 2012, at… drum roll, please… Justin Bieber’s grandmother’s house.

(via Idolator)