Mark Wahlberg: I want to take over the ‘Iron Man’ franchise


While in the United Kingdom promoting one comic-book adaptation, 2 Guns, Mark Wahlberg revealed he”s ready to take on another.

“I would like to take over the Iron Man franchise for Robert Downey,” he told Yahoo! Movies UK, “[but] it”s one of those things where I kind of like playing real people, [so] I”ve never been asked.”

Downey, who earned $50 million for The Avengers alone, signed a deal in June to appear in its two sequels but not in a potential fourth Iron Man movie. That means if Marvel Studios is interested in continuing its founding franchise, it”ll probably be shopping for a new Tony Stark around 2017 or so. Wahlberg is 42 now, about the same age Downey was when Iron Man began filming in 2007.

Wahlberg, who was reportedly offered the lead in the long-brewing Crow remake, had a brush with another comic-book property long before he was cast in 2 Guns: He apparently was among the names considered for the role of Robin in Joel Schumacher”s 1995 film Batman Forever, a part that ultimately went to Chris O”Donnell.

“Somebody dodged a bullet!” the actor joked. Asked whether he could”ve pulled off that snug costume, Wahlberg replied, “I ain”t wearing no tights man.”

Battle armor is another matter entirely.