James Brown Played “Wheel of Fortune” with Little Richard

For a kickass tribute to the musical legacy of James Brown, please enjoy the new trailer for “Get On Up,” the upcoming James Brown biopic.

But for a more unbelievable, eye-popping memory of James Brown, please watch him buy vowels and avoid Bankrupt alongside Little Richard, Weird Al Yankovic, and Lee Greenwood on “Wheel of Fortune.” It is unreal. It is also 1994, so enjoy extras like a pregnant Vanna and the old, sexy, saxophoney “Wheel” theme. 

A number of observations: 1) That is a puffy outfit, James. 2) That is a neckerchief, James? 3) At one point James calls for a “T” not 20 seconds after Weird Al calls for a “T,” and Pat Sajak's disappointment is evident. 4) Listen to how the words “Blues singer Billie Holiday” tumble out of James' mouth. Unbelievable. 5) Little Richard is the greatest Jackee character ever.