5 essential ‘X-Men’ stories you need to read after seeing ‘Days of Future Past’

(CBR) “X-Men: Days of Future Past” has hit theaters and, spoiler alert, nothing will ever be the same again. Seriously. No previous “X-Men” film enacted changes this sweeping while simultaneously pulling from disparate parts of the franchise's fifty-year history. By the time the post-credits sequence has ended — you did stick around for it, didn't you?! — odds are you'll be left with a few burning questions and a desire to read more about some of the mutants you just saw on the big screen. 

Well, we're here to help facilitate your post-“Days of Future Past” reading frenzy! To that end, we've compiled a reading list that tackles some of the film's overarching themes and plot points, spotlights some specific characters and looks ahead to the franchise's future. We'll throw up another spoiler warning here, mostly because we really don't want to ruin that post-credits scene for anyone who's managed to remain in the dark until now. Ready? Here's what you need to read.