19 perfect ‘Halloween’ GIFs to get you in the holiday spirit

Is “Halloween” the greatest horror movie of all time? Nope, there are a few better ones. A FEW. Which doesn't mean it isn't great! And for thousands of socially-awkward people, it's a tradition to watch the John Carpenter classic on or around the titular holiday (don't discount the value of a double-bill with its inferior-but-still-perfectly-adequate 1981 sequel).

Me? Oh don't worry, I've watched it at least a hundred times. I can't get enough! It is the perfect Halloween movie. '70s cult icon P.J. Soles! Feathered hair! Teenagers pushing 30! What's not to love here?

Need a little help getting into the holiday spirit? Amp yourself up with these 19 essential GIFs from the horror classic. You're TOTALLY going to love them, I TOTALLY promise. Totally.