Kim Gordon on Lana Del Rey, ‘who doesn’t even know what feminism is’

Is Lana Del Rey a feminist? It”s a question that”s been asked before to differing opinions. But, if you ask Kim Gordon, the answer is very simple: no.

In Gordon”s upcoming memoir, Girl in a Band, she takes aim at Del Rey, specifically a comment she made to Fader in an interview last year. In that piece, she calls feminism “just not an interesting concept.”

“I”m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what”s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities,” Del Rey said. “Whenever people bring up feminism, I”m like, god. I”m just not really that interested.”

It should be said, Del Rey does say a true feminist, to her, is “a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”

Even still, Gordon has a bit of a problem with that, writing in her book, “Today we have someone like Lana Del Rey, who doesn”t even know what feminism is, who believes it means women can do whatever they want, which, in her world, tilts towards self-destruction, whether it”s sleeping with gross older men or being a transient biker queen.”

Adding, “Equal pay and equal rights would be nice. Naturally, it”s just a persona. If she really truly believes it”s beautiful when young musicians go out on a hot flame of drugs and depression, why doesn”t she just off herself?”

This last bit is directed at a comment Del Rey allegedly made about wanting to be dead already in an interview with The Guardian, a comment that led to some chastising from Kurt Cobain”s daughter, Francis Bean.

Gordon”s comments about Del Rey have been getting a lot of attention on Twitter, with many criticizing her stance. Naturally, Gordon has been retweeting all of the comments-yes, even the negative ones.

Girl in a Band is out Feb. 24.