Video of the Day: Crossing the ice bridge from ‘The Way Back’

New clips were released today from the director Peter Weir’s ‘The Way Back.’ The film is about a group of prisoners who escape from a Siberian gulag on foot all the way to India during World War II. They must brave the elements of extreme heat and cold and even cross the Himalayas to reach their freedom. Starring Ed Harris, Colin Farrell, and Jim Sturgess, the film is based on “The Long Walk,” a memoir by Slawomir Rawicz.

His first film since 2003’s “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.” Peter Weir appears to have spun a pretty gripping tale with “The Way Back.” In this clip “Crossing the ice bridge” The prisoners and a little girl Irena (Played by Saoirse Ronan) run over a melting bridge of ice in order to forge a river. Tension and cold permeate every frame of film and the faces of the actors show nothing but determination and fear. The clip really makes you want to see this film, and put on a sweater, fitting for the video of the day.

Look for more clips from “The Way Back” in our video section. The film opens January 21st