There’s a zombie movie for everybody: Celebrating horror’s most diverse genre with 10 unique films

Ever since George A. Romero's “Night of the Living Dead” burst on the scene and changed the genre forever, the zombie film has become arguably the most diverse horror sub-genre of them all, taking on a number of different forms over the last several decades and especially over the last ten years, as (kick-started by the success of Danny Boyle's “28 Days Later,” “Shaun of the Dead” and Zack Snyder's “Dawn of the Dead” reboot) the number of zombie flicks multiplied faster than the legions of undead themselves.

As the Arnold Schwarzenegger horror film “Maggie” — arguably the first father-daughter drama to masquerade as a zombie flick — hits theaters, below I've listed 10 examples of wildly-different films that fall under the banner as a means of highlighting the genre's sheer diversity. Indeed, these days there's a zombie movie to suit every taste and demographic — maybe even Mom.

See the full list below.

(Read Drew McWeeny's “Maggie” review here.)