Video of the Day: ‘Born To Be Wild’ Featurette

Focusing on two amazing women who have made it their life mission to rehabilitate wild animal orphans and return them to the wild, ‘Born to be Wild’ is a documentary shot in IMAX  3D that should be hitting theaters in April. Trailers for this film showed before “Tron: Legacy” in some IMAX theaters and friends report that the 3D IMAX experience of this footage was amazing.

This short featurette features some behind the scenes looks at the the people involved and the stars of the film. Most notably Writer Producer Drew Fellman who says “”Born to be Wild” is not a wildlife film. It’s a film that stars wild animals, but it’s about these two women working to help these orphaned elephants and orangutans get back to the wild.” He is referring to Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas of the Orangutan Foundation International in Indonesia and Dame Daphne Sheldrick of the David Sheldrick Wildlife trust in Africa, the two central characters of the film who have developed techniques to successfully re-introduce orangoutangs and elephants, respectively, back into the wild. Morgan Freeman adds voice gravitas as narrator.

The only thing cuter than baby elephants is baby orangutans, and so the “Born to be Wild” featurette is the video of the day.

“Born to be Wild” will be in 3D IMAX theaters on April 8th, 2011