Video of the Day: Greg Nicotero talks ‘The Walking Dead’

Any zombie fan worth his or her salt knows the name Greg Nicotero. He’s been the effects wizard behind many films, but the man is a master when it comes to zombies. His contributions to AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ can easily be counted as one of the reasons the show has done so well. The zombies are simply beautiful, if that is a usable word to describe a zombie.

Todays Video of the Day is clip from one of the ‘making of’ documentaries that are included in the ‘Complete first season’ DVD of “The Walking Dead.” Nicotero talks about a pivotal scene towards the end of the season, where he played one himself. It’s one of my favorite moments from the short 6 episode season and I must have watched that episode about three times and didn’t catch his cameo. All that blood, gore and zombie-tude needed a professional, and so this clip is the Video of the Day.

“The Walking Dead: The complete first season” will be out on DVD and Blu-Ray March 8th, 2011

Alex Dorn is the Video Editor for and he’s on Twitter