What’s the creepiest performance as a real U.S. president?

We just got a first look at Oscar nominee Woody Harrelson as Lyndon Baines Johnson in Rob Reiner's upcoming biopic about the 36th president. Like Bryan Cranston's recent Tony-winning performance as LBJ in Broadway's “All the Way,” it seems pretty convincing. It also looks creepy as hell. Take a glimpse.

Woody Harrelson as Lyndon Johnson

This got us thinking: What are some other chills-worthy portrayals of commanders-in-chief? These immediately sprang to mind.

Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan (with Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan)

Thankfully Rickman and his claymation-faced version of Reagan only appeared in Lee Daniels' “The Butler” for a short time, otherwise we'd have been subjected to his melted “Land of Confusion” mug for longer than is advisable. Jane looks great as Nancy, but this was some baldfaced stunt casting. 

Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt

I can't believe we have a series of movies about the fun of museums and I hate them. How's that possible? Part of the issue is Robin Williams' wild, garish performance as Teddy Roosevelt. It's grim. And not even in a hokey-glam way like Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart.

James Cromwell as George H.W. Bush

Does this look like George H.W. Bush to you? I bet it doesn't. I bet you're thinking, “Sort of looks like Farmer Hoggett from 'Babe' in a swivel chair.” And you are so, so wise. George H.W. Bush never had the poise and gravitas to sit like a dignified grasshopper, as Cromwell does here.

Paul Giamatti as John Adams

Now, I just saw Giamatti in “Love and Mercy” and hated him, so that discolors my choice here. Still though: Lighten up, Abigail's husband.

And finally:

Gilbert Gottfried as Abraham Lincoln

Did you miss this gem of a scene in “A Million Ways to Die in the West”? Maybe you missed all of “A Million Ways to Die in the West”? Perish the thought. Here's the only highlight of the whole move: Gilbert Gottfried freaks you the hell out as a cantankerous version of Abraham Lincoln. 

Do you have a favorite creepy president on film? Personally, I think Henry Fonda's girlish cheekbones make his “Young Mr. Lincoln” pretty freaky.