Jon Stewart returns to ‘Daily Show’ to help 9/11 first responders

Before there was Trevor Noah, this guy named Jon Stewart used to host “The Daily Show.” Last night, he returned to the desk for the first time since he stepped down.

It was for an important cause. The James Zadroga Act provides, among other things, free healthcare for 9/11 first responders who now suffer from health conditions related to that work. It was signed into law in early 2011, but set to expire in five years. Those years are now up. Efforts to extend it have, thus far, been unsuccessful. 

Stewart championed the act back in 2010 (you can see clips from that show here and here), so who better to advocate for it now?

Stewart also hosted a roundtable discussion with the same four first responders he spoke with back in 2010. Sadly, only one of them could make it this time; one had died and the other two were too sick … which probably tells us everything we need to know about how important this extension is.