‘Last Week Tonight’ will be trolling the Yankees all week

My guess is that John Oliver, being staunchly British despite having lived in this country for several years now, is not a big baseball fan in general. But he especially doesn't like the New York Yankees, an organization that combines baseball with the kind of elitist snobbery and passion to make things as difficult as possible for low income people that Oliver's show specializes in taking down.

So, with opening day at Yankee Stadium scheduled for today (except it snowed, so now it'll be Wednesday instead), Oliver ranted about the stadium's “Legends Club,” which boasts lots of perks for whoever can afford a ticket in the first five rows, including various ways to avoid associating with the poors.

This year, the Yankees banned printing out tickets at home, making it much more difficult to re-sell those tickets online. When fans complained, Yankees COO Lonn Trost said that it was good that full-price ticket purchasers wouldn't have to potentially sit next to someone who has “never sat in a premium location” before scoring these tickets online for “a buck and a half” (a.k.a. A Poor Person).

Last Week Tonight, never passing up a chance to spite the rich, purchased two Legends Club tickets for the first three home games of the season and is selling them for a quarter each to anyone promises to “dress like you have never sat in a premium location before.” To be considered, simply tweet @LastWeekTonight with a photo of the outfit you will wear and the hashtag #IHaveNeverSatinaPremiumLocation and which day's tickets you want (full contest rules are here).

We'll almost definitely see the winners on television, as the seats are located just behind home plate. So now, we all have a reason to watch the Yankees.