‘Last Week Tonight’ gets an assist from ‘Sesame Street’ to tell us about lead poisoning

Remember a few months ago, when we finally realized how full of lead Flint, Michigan's water was, and everyone was angry and sad? John Oliver does, and wants you to know that our work is far from done here.

The multitude of problems that have and will continue to arise from Flint's lead poisoning disaster are bad enough, but Last Week Tonight went a little deeper for its main segment to tell us how the entire country is full of lead pipes that are too expensive to simply remove and replace.

But those aren't the biggest problem: it's the lead-paint-encrusted homes that pose a greater threat to our children, and three Republican congressmen who were so concerned about the Flint lead poisoning actually voted for a bill that would reduce funding for lead paint abatement in lower income homes. 

So, Oliver went to Sesame Street and enlisted Elmo, Rosita, and Oscar to sing about the dangers of lead — just like they did for a 1996 educational video, showing what little progress this country has made in the last two decades.