Hillary Concedes: ‘Donald Trump Is Going To Be Our President. We Owe Him An Open Mind And A Chance To Lead’

Donald Trump pulled off a stunning victory on election night, and despite John Podesta’s public proclamation that the Clinton campaign would have nothing further to say on Tuesday night, Hillary soon made a concession call to the winner. Trump delivered a surprisingly gracious speech to a divided nation. And on Wednesday morning, Hillary surfaced for her official concession speech.

Flanked by Bill and Chelsea, Hillary delivered what was arguably the most difficult speech of her career. She appeared strong yet emotional at the podium, and though her voice wavered towards the end of her speech — while discussing the postponement of shattering the glass ceiling — she maintained a resolutely positive aura. Hillary held out an ultimate message to her supporters: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

From there, she hoped that Trump would be a leader for all Americans. Hillary also apologized to her supporters for not being able to pull off a victory, but nonetheless, she expressed “pride and gratitude” for those who worked so hard to make her the first female major party nominee and — almost — president. Shortly before this speech, Clinton took the lead in the popular vote, although the electoral map clearly didn’t work out as planned.

Hillary admitted, “This is painful, and it will be for a long time,” but she urged Americans to respect the peaceful transfer of power. She has also offered to work with Trump to some degree but reminded her followers to advance progressive causes and constitutional freedoms. And of course, she saw a silver lining in her loss, which is keeping her VP pick, Tim Kaine, in the Senate.

Before concluding her speech, Hillary proclaimed that the nation owes an “enormous debt of gratitude” to the Obamas, and she urged her supporters to remember that the American dream has enough room for everyone. She then delivered a figurative nod and wink to the “secret” Pantsuit Nation Facebook hub that holds legions of followers. Overall, this was a speech filled with palpable undercurrents of emotion, but Hillary and her legacy will continue to fight for those who are “with her.”

Here’s the second half of Clinton’s concession speech.