We Might Get To See A Green Lantern In ‘Justice League’ After All

Green Lantern has been the one classic character from Justice League to pick the short straw since Warner and DC Comics rebooted their comic properties for the big screen. Ryan Reynolds played Hal Jordan in the famously panned film adaptation and joked about it at every point after its release. That could be a big reason why Warner is holding off on bringing back any form of the character for their big Justice League push, but now there are rumors that we might see some version of the character before the release of Green Lantern Corps in 2020.

According to The Wrap, we’ll be seeing a member of the intergalactic police force in a key sequence for Justice League around a year from now. What that could be and who will be featured is way up in the air, so is any solid confirmation that this is actually happening. It does seem likely, though, given the threat from outer space that is Steppenwolf and Darkseid’s forces from Apokalips. There’s also a bit to put together for part two of Justice League, including a possible cameo for Hal Jordan at that point.

Green Lantern Corps doesn’t hit until 2020 and focuses on several of the Earth-based Lanters we’ve seen in the comics. That includes Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, and a few others over the years. There might even be a dog in there and I know there’s an entire planet that’s a Lantern floating around the galaxy. There’s a chance this could be some sort of Guardians of The Galaxy type of crazy film experience, but that’s doubtful given the tone of these DC movies to this point.

Also rumored for Justice League is a prologue where Darkseid has apparently been to Earth in the ancient past, forced away by a team of Amazonias, Atlanteans, and prehistoric humans. No clue how that would work, but it might be cool to see cavemen fighting off parademons.

This is all firmly entrenched in the rumor mill, but there is one thing we can report as a stone cold fact: Ryan Reynolds will not be returning to play Hal Jordan on the big screen. Doubtful that they’d even want him at this point, but he does make for a good photo on a post about movie Green Lanterns.

(Via The Wrap / Comics Alliance)