A Mormon Tabernacle Choir Member Quits Over Trump’s Inauguration: ‘I Could Never Throw Roses To Hitler’

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Donald Trump was reportedly incensed over the strictly D-list gathering of entertainers willing to perform at his inauguration. Regardless of individual acts’ refusals to sign up, several groups were booked, which has resulted in some members refusing to perform. A few of the Rockettes are still voicing displeasure, and now a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has left her position because she cannot stomach the act of singing for Trump.

Singer Jan Chamberlain’s departure follows Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints spokesman Eric Hawkins’ recent insistence that the choir’s inauguration performance is strictly voluntary, and no member will be forced to participate. Still, the five-year veteran of the group has announced her resignation in an emotional Facebook post:

“Since ‘the announcement,’ I have spent several sleepless nights and days in turmoil and agony. I have reflected carefully on both sides of the issue, prayed a lot, talked with family and friends, and searched my soul … I simply cannot continue with the recent turn of events. I could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect.”

Chamberlain continues to describe why she’s viewing the inauguration performance as a moral issue, and she cannot justify every other reason to continue as a member. She also states that this decision is hers to make, but “I only know I could never ‘throw roses to Hitler.’ And I certainly could never sing for him.” She does compare Trump to Hitler prior to that statement, like countless others have done before, but the rose-throwing visual makes her statement ever-so-slightly stand out from the pack.

Utah, where the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints makes its headquarters, became a battleground state for the election. Despite many Mormons voicing their preference for Independent candidate Evan McMullan, Trump managed to overcome ambivalence and win the state.

(Via Jan Chamberlain on Facebook & Salt Lake Tribune)