America Pays Fond Tribute To President Obama After His Emotional Farewell Speech

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As cliché as it sounds, President Obama’s long goodbye of a farewell address probably didn’t leave very many dry eyes in the house. Although he’s had some genuine downswings during his eight years in office, Obama felt confident that he’s left America in a better position than when he began. Not even handing over the White House keys to his polar opposite could dampen his message of dignity and hope. Obama’s not glad to go, but he won’t allow negativity or partisan swipes ruin what was a damn beautiful moment.

In response, First Lady Michelle Obama led the charge with a joyous celebration of everything her family has accomplished.

And before Obama’s speech ended, social media was full of people pouring their hearts out to their leader. There’s work to be done tomorrow, but for now, Twitter’s rolling in Kleenex. Much like Barack himself.

There are literally a million other reactions out there in a simultaneous showing of joy and sadness. Of course, no set of internet reactions about President Obama would be complete without his “dropped mic” video, which is practically iconic at this point. He shall be missed.