Trump Pressured The Park Service To Manufacture Photos That Showed Bigger Inauguration Day Crowds

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Donald Trump is still hung up on the size of his inauguration crowd, as he reportedly ordered the National Parks Service to produce more photographs to justify his false claims it was the largest in history. The Washington Post reported Trump ordered the Parks Serice to find photographs of the event that aligned with his point of view.

Even after winning the election and signing executive orders daily, the president can’t seem to let his inauguration attendance go. Many had noted, including the National Parks Service, that the event paled in comparison to President Obama’s inauguration, and even Trump’s team used a picture of Obama’s widely attended event for their Twitter head.

But it is now coming out that the day after his inauguration, he called National Park Service Director Michael T. Reynolds and reportedly pushed him to produce more photographs of the event to help magnify its size. And he most likely had a discussion with him regarding his department’s Twitter account retweeting a photo of Obama’s and Trump’s inauguration side by side. The Park Service would not comment on the subject, but White House Deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee said Trump calling is an example of his take-charge attitude saying, “He’s not somebody who sits around and waits. He takes action and gets things done. That’s one of the reasons that he is president today, and Hillary Clinton isn’t.”

The National Park Service has been busy, as Trump shut down their tweets, although a rogue account has popped up, presumably without Trump’s blessing.

(Via The Washington Post)