‘Nioh’ Leads The Five Games You Need To Play This Week

Every week, more games arrive for more platforms, and we all need a guide through the noise. So, every week, we write up five games you need to play, and this week’s game is yet another that took years to make and has a strange pedigree.

Pick Of The Week

Nioh, Tuesday (PS4)

Nioh, previous-gen gamers might remember, got started way, way back in 2004 as a more traditional RPG from Koei, based at first off an original unfinished script by Akira Kurosawa. As you can see above, over the intervening 13 years, all that was chucked out the window in favor of Koei Tecmo’s take on Dark Souls, featuring the real samurai William Adams, and the decidedly not real demons he chops up with a katana and murders at range with arrows, which warms the heart of a sniping dirtbag like yours truly. Expect a review later this week.

Uncanny Valley, Tuesday (PS4, Vita), Friday (Xbox One)

Meanwhile, on the exact opposite of the horror spectrum lies Uncanny Valley, a traditional pixel-art survival horror game. You play Tom, who works the night shift as a guard in a remote corporate facility. Hearing things go bump in the night, he goes to check. It’s his job, after all. Except, of course, nobody prepared him for the horrors that lie deep within the facility.

The Onion Knights, Tuesday (PS4)

Continuing the rather odd trend of mobile games coming to the PS4, this game has a pretty amusing mechanic. You steer a cannon firing in an arc to fight off the ever-advancing waves of troops. The mobile version is an amusing palette cleanser between more complex and involved games, and this appears to be the same. If you’ve got young kids who want to play, this will be a fun, cute game to give them.

Splasher, Tuesday (PC)

Pretty much Splatoon meets Mega Man‘s platforming, Splasher has your little paint obsessed hero hosing down walls to run up them and nimbly dodging and weaving his way through a maze of traps. This is pure, skills-based platforming, and likely the next obsession of the speed-running crowd. If that’s your jam, this is your game.

How To Survive 2, Monday (PS4)

Finally, if you’re a fan of isometric action RPGs, then you probably want a crack at this game, a follow up to How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse, full of crafting, co-op bird’s eye shooting and slashing, and zombie gators.

Did we miss a game? Let us know in the comments!