Chelsea Handler Trolled Donald Trump In The Best Way From Right In Front Of The White House

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It took less than a month for Donald Trump to put the White House in a serious conflict of interest, when the President of the United States of America tweeted out in anger over Nordstrom dropping his daughter Ivanka Trump’s clothing line earlier this week. (Just imagine reading that same sentence like, two years ago.)

As bad as that was, the president’s latest gaffe was exacerbated when his truth-adverse mouthpiece Kellyanne Conway advised the Fox News viewing audience to “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff!” on live television from, oh, just the official White House briefing room. Now the House Oversight chairman is calling the promotion “clearly over the line” and “unacceptable” — although it’s unclear what repercussions Trump might face since clearly nothing has managed to stick to him so far.

So one might have to imagine the whole thing is probably a pretty big point of contention for Trump right now. Which is probably why Chelsea Handler, pictured above at the Women’s March in Park City, Utah on January 21, saw it as the perfect opportunity to give the knife a little twist by posing in front of the White House lawn, herself a Jew, along with a “Gay” and a “Muslim” after a successful shopping trip at Nordstrom.

Troll level: not bad. The only way it could be better is if those bags are filled with tiny, men’s size small gloves.