A Furious Scott Baio Shows Off His $30K Nordstrom Bill On Twitter: ‘NEVER AGAIN!’

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Many Trump supporters are steamed that Ivanka Trump had her clothing line dropped by Nordstrom. Donald Trump was ready to start a war on retail to defend his daughter, and now Scott Baio is supporting Ivanka. The former Joanie Loves Chachi star angrily posted on Twitter that he is done shopping at Nordstrom because of the Ivanka fiasco, and even showed off his hefty 2016 bill (over $30,000) to show that he means business.

Baio’s not alone. After Ivanka’s line was removed due to declining sales, Trump defended his daughter with a tweet, and Kellyanne Conway violated ethics laws in protest, showing how far the Trump White House was willing to go for fashion injustices. Baio, who is one of the most vocal TV stars to express his affinity for Trump, apparently wanted to be a part of the fun.

To put a little extra salt in Nordstrom’s wound, he tweeted in all caps (just like Trump!) he will “NEVER AGAIN!” shop there. And to make sure his act of solidarity didn’t go unnoticed, he tagged the entire Trump family, well, except for Tiffany. Despite his enthusiastic tweet, Baio has not yet gotten a shout out from Trump, but the day is young.

(Via Scott Baio Twitter)