The 911 Dispatcher Who Took The Tamir Rice Phone Call Might Be Disciplined, 2 Years Later

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The 911 dispatcher who took the emergency call that was followed by the shooting death of Tamir Rice is facing a disciplinary hearing to determine her role in the 12-year-old’s death. reports that Constance Hollinger is looking at a 10-day suspension without pay for not relaying crucial information from the call to officers.

The officers involved in Rice’s death didn’t face criminal charges (although administrative charges were in the mix) because a grand jury found that they believed Rice was holding a real gun. Hollinger never relayed that the 911 caller mentioned that Rice was a juvenile who was probably holding a toy gun, and these errors likely contributed to the situation:

“The caller told Hollinger that the suspect was ‘probably a juvenile’ and that the gun he had was ‘probably fake,’ according to the charges. Hollinger never relayed that information to dispatcher Beth Mandl, who later resigned.

Mandl then told officers to investigate someone with a gun scaring people outside Cudell Recreation Center. Tamir had an airsoft pellet gun.”

Following the November 2014 incident, then-Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty stated that Rice’s death might have been avoided if the officers knew all the information in the call, but instead, the Rice was gunned down mere seconds after law enforcement arrived.

Hollinger’s hearing comes more than two years after Rice was killed, and there is no deadline set for a judge’s decision. notes that Hollinger has faced disciplinary action in the past and was suspended for five days in July 2016 for a separate incident.
