Tomi Lahren Sues Glenn Beck And TheBlaze For Wrongful Termination Following Her Pro-Choice Remarks

A few weeks ago, conservative shock jock Tomi Lahren was suspended and then banned permanently from TheBlaze after Glenn Beck decided that his media empire couldn’t handle her pro-choice stance as articulated on The View. The situation (which irked Trevor Noah to pieces) prompted a few backlashes, not the least of which involved Lahren’s previous characterization as abortion as “murder.” However, she’s now fighting back with a lawsuit.

On Friday, Lahren filed a wrongful termination in Dallas County against both Beck and TheBlaze. She claims that Beck was aware of her pro-choice change of heart. Further, she says that no one told her that her comments on The View were inappropriate, and Lahren was actually “applauded” by a Blaze producer following the show. So, she didn’t expect to be disciplined or fired for expressing her opinion. Oh, and she also fired a few shots at TheBlaze’s now-“mediocre following”:

The Blaze cancelled Lahren’s show after she made the controversial abortion statements last month on The View. But The Blaze wanted to keep paying Lahren, the suit says, “presumably hoping they could find an exit strategy to sanitize their unlawful conduct” in breaking Lahren’s two-year employment contract, which was to continue through Sept. 30.

The hubbub surrounding Lahren’s comments was orchestrated to “inflate Beck’s profile, from what has become a mediocre following, all at [Lahren’s] expense,” the suit alleges. “No one told [Lahren] that her statements on The View were either improper or inappropriate; and, indeed, that [Lahren’s] point of view is just that — her point of view and freedom of expression.”

It’s no secret that Beck is scrambling to repair his image while attempting to volley TheBlaze back into its glory days after a steady decline in viewership. Did he or TheBlaze intentionally manufacture this controversy so that Beck could repair his conservative cred? Anything’s possible, and we’ll see if Lahren gets her day in court.

(Via Dallas Morning News)