An Oregon Man Died Peacefully After Being Told President Trump Had Been Impeached

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Given the state of Donald Trump’s approval ratings during his first few months in office, it would seem as if most Americans are relishing the thought of the 45th President’s impeachment. Either way, whether Trump leaves office by force or when his administration just eventually runs its course, most of us — the threat of WWIII notwithstanding — will blessedly live to see the day that a former reality TV star is no longer the most powerful man in the world.

But sadly, not everyone will have that luxury. An Oregon man, 76 or 77-year-old Michael Garland Elliott (depending when he had been born), passed away earlier this month on April 6th, and he was said to have died peacefully with the knowledge that Trump had been impeached. Elliott’s obituary published in the Oregonian, which has since gone viral, paints the colorful life of a man who once toured the country in a semi-pro men’s drag basketball team under the alter ego “Skaggy Maggie.”

Mike was a Porsche enthusiast, owning a dozen of them over the years, but nothing touched his heart like “the ancient game,” golf. He was a founding member of The Reserve and spent countless weekends doing what he loved most with like-minded friends. He was very passionate about the game. One time (that we know of) he was angered by an errant shot and threw his club into a tree. Eventually every club in his bag was in that tree. Mike’s health had declined over the past decade, and when he was no longer able to golf he accepted it with grace and humor, and threw things at the TV instead. Mike was also the sharpest dresser in town, single-handedly keeping Nike’s apparel wing in the black.

In his final days, although he had no family, Elliott was surrounded with friends, neighbors, coworkers, and caregivers; but it was his ex-wife who delivered him the news that allowed him to finally pass on from this mortal coil.

Mike ran out of family long ago and is survived by his ex-wife and best friend, Teresa Elliott. Though their marriage ran aground, their friendship only grew stronger and hers was the last voice Mike heard. And the last thing she said to him was “Donald Trump has been impeached.” Upon hearing that he took his final, gentle breath, his earthly work concluded. Mike will be forever missed but never forgotten.

Come on, America. The least we can do is give this man his dying wish.

(The Oregonian via KATU 2 News)