An Autistic Man Was Devastated When His Blockbuster Closed Down, So His Parents Built Him One Of His Own

Long before there was “Netflix and Chill” there was “Make It A Blockbuster Night.” Back then, half of your Friday night was hopping into the car, driving to the local Blockbuster Video, and walking up and down the aisles, judging movies solely based off what the covers looked like or what some good Samaritan stranger that saw you holding the copy of Mission: Impossible told you about their rental experience. Then, when you were done, you had to remember to bring the movie back on time, or you had to face the shame of paying late fees.

These days, kids have it easy. By the time a movie makes it to HBO or Netflix, you know exactly what you’re getting. If you watch the newest Adam Sandler flick, that’s on you, my friend. It’s damn Candyland compared to what people had to go through back in the day.

Pretty much everyone agrees the 2017 way of renting movies beats the hell out of the 1993 way, but Hector Zuniga, an autistic 20-year-old Blockbuster video enthusiast from Sharyland, Texas, isn’t everybody. He keeps it old school, hitting up one of the last Blockbuster Video locations still open at least twice-a-week. When that Blockbuster finally went the way of the dinosaurs, Zuniga was inconsolable. His parents decided to take him to the store for one last whirl before it shuttered, so they could say their goodbyes. When Zuniga returned home he found his parents had installed an entire rack of a display you would find at your average Blockbuster, complete with all his favorite DVD’s, including Veggie Tales, Rugrats, Barney, and Elmo. Zuniga parents for the win.

According to the New York Post, the Sharyland Blockbuster location was one of only twelve Blockbuster Video stores still in business (nine of those are in Alaska). Luckily for Zuniga, his parents are making sure at least one location keeps open for the foreseeable future.

(Via New York Post and Fox 31 Denver)