Tomi Lahren’s Legal Battle With Glenn Beck And TheBlaze Is Over

Nearly two months ago, Tomi Lahren went from being the main attraction at Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze to being a conservative firebrand without an outlet and with a stifled voice. All of this happened after she dared to air a newly pro-choice stance on The View. She then sued for wrongful termination and the battle grew uglier by the moment when Lahren cryptically accused Beck of “misconduct,” and he fired back with a countersuit that labeled her “unprofessional.” Soon enough, the battle went beyond the courtroom when someone leaked details about Lahren’s alleged “butt warming pad” demands on staffers, but finally, the matter has come to an end.

The Dallas Morning News reports that Lahren and Beck have agreed to settle their legal battle. TheBlaze will relinquish control of her personal Facebook page (which has 3.4 million followers), and she’s been released from her contract. In other words, Lahren is now a free agent (and won’t have to wait until this fall to pursue a gig at Fox News elsewhere). However, she had to agree to lose the videos that made her famous:

Lahren will “promptly” return The Blaze’s “intellectual property” that was posted to the Facebook page, said her lawyer, Brian Lauten. In court hearings, Lauten had offered to delete all of the videos produced by The Blaze off the Facebook page, which would include some of Lahren’s most popular posts. Some had been watched more than 67 million times.

“Ms. Lahren is relieved to have this litigation behind her,” Lauten said in a statement. “She looks forward to connecting with her audience and fan base on the pressing political issues facing our country in the days to come.”

What’s next? New York magazine’s Yashar Ali tweeted a May 1 “scooplet” that claims Lahren’s agents dumped her, although who knows, that relationship may have been based upon her employment with TheBlaze. All financial details of the lawsuit settlement will remain confidential, and TheBlaze has issued a statement about how “pleased” they are to have ended their stormy relationship with Lahren.

As of now, there’s been no word on who gained permanent custody of the butt warming pad. Maybe someone will leak that news later.

(Via Dallas Morning News)