People Are Baffled And Disgusted By The Sudden Termination Of FBI Director James Comey

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James Comey has been fired by President Trump due to, as the White House puts it, not being able to “effectively lead the bureau” on the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. This has led to a flabbergasted collective of reporters and citizens that are wondering just why this happened now, after Comey’s recent remarks of feeling “mildly nauseous” that he may have gotten Trump elected after misstating details regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email non-scandal.

With Comey ousted as the head of the FBI with no replacement ready, many are wondering what’s exactly going on. Is this a repeat of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Nixon ousted independent investigator Archibald Cox? Trump wasn’t pleased about Comey shutting down his claims of the Obama White House wiretapping him, and according to various sources, AG Jeff Sessions has been looking to replace the Obama-appointed Comey for over a week.

The “you’re fired” jokes have been locked and loaded since January 20th, but most are concerned about Comey’s replacement, and whether he’ll be one of the supposed “swamp drainers” or a player in a game that may raise the waterline considerably.

Of course, there were also many jokes. This is Twitter, after all.

Also, Comey’s supposed Twitter account is now locked.